A satirical reflection by Author/Artist Phil Fehrenbacher
Phil enlisted in the Army in 1965 where you served for years in Vietnam. He became a graphic designer and has worked for the state of Oregon for 26 years. He retired in 2003 and started the Cartoon "In-Country". The cartoons reflect his experiences during his tour of duty in South Vietnam.
There is a new cartoon everyday.
Calendar of Upcoming EventsFEBRUARY2/1/2025 (Sat) - District 8 Meeting, Culpeper Post # 2524 1000-12002/2/2025 (Sun) - Basic Firearms Safety 101 Training 09-1600 @ Post. Signup here: VFW Post 3103: Basic Firearm Safety 101 Training2/4/2025 (Tues) - Post Staff Leadership Meeting @ 19002/16/2025 (Sun) - Post Cleanup 1000-12002/17/2025 (Mon) - MOC Fred Gnats PT # 19 Scratch @ 19002/20/2025 (Thurs) - Post General Membership Meeting @ 1930MARCH
3/1/2025 (Sun) - JROTC & Scout of the Year applications due to the Post3/4/2025 (Tues) - Post Staff Leadership Meeting @ 19003/8-9/2025 (Sat/Sun) - SGK Gun Show/Recruiting @ Frat Order of Eagles. Sign up: VFW Post 3103: March Gun Show/Recruiting3/15/2025 (Sat) - Hands Only CPR/AED Training @ Post 1430-1530. Sign-up: VFW Post 3103: Hands-Only CPR & AED Training3/16/2025 (Sun) - Post Cleanup 1000-12003/17/2025 (Mon) - MOC Fred Gnats PT # 19 Scratch @ 19003/20/2025 (Thurs) - Post General Membership Meeting @ 1930 - Post Officer Nominations3/25/2025 (Tues) - Lifeline Screenings at the Post 0800-1500 Register at Life Line Screening
Canteen is open every Friday 5p - 9p$13 dinner and an assortment of beverages.
1/31/2025 - Bangers and Mash, Dessert
2/7/2025 - Crockpot Smorgasbord of Food, Salad, Cake
2/14/2025 - Jambalaya, Strawberry Shortcake
2/21/2025 - Stuffed Peppers, Green Beans, Salad, Dessert
2/28/2025 - Beef Stroganoff, Green Beans, Rolls, Dessert
3/7/2025 - Mac & Cheese (w & w/o meat), Salad, Dessert
Calendar Raffle Winners can be found under the News Link365 chances to win in 2025.
Congratulations to Daniel Poole for winning the 1/5/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Todd Taylor for winning the 1/9/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Clint Firstbrook for winning the 2/16/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Emily Tomeucci for winning the 5/17/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Beth Taylor for winning the 6/21/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to John & Donna Lantis for winning the 10/3/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Todd Taylor for winning the 10/7/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Joe Plummer for winning the 11/2/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Danielle Dillard for winning the 11/8/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Danielle Dillard for winning the 11/30/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Clint Firstbrook for winning the 12/2/24 calendar raffle draw.Congratulations to Mark Tomeucci, Jr. for winning the 1/21/25 calendar raffle draw.
Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.
...we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.
WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Kosovo, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, War on Global Terror and other Peace-Keeping Expeditionary Campaigns throughout the globe.
WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to join the nation in honoring our nation's Black American service member...
WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...