1/24/2025 - Meatballs, Salad, Rolls, Dessert
1/31/2025 - Bangers and Mash, Dessert
2/7/2025 - TBD
2/14/2025 - Jambalaya, Strawberry Shortcake
2/21/2025 - TBD
2/28/2025 - Beef Stroganoff, Green Beans, Rolls, Dessert
Calendar Raffle Winners can be found under the News Link
365 chances to win in 2025.
Congratulations to Daniel Poole for winning the 1/5/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Todd Taylor for winning the 1/9/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Clint Firstbrook for winning the 2/16/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Emily Tomeucci for winning the 5/17/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Beth Taylor for winning the 6/21/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to John & Donna Lantis for winning the 10/3/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Todd Taylor for winning the 10/7/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Joe Plummer for winning the 11/2/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Danielle Dillard for winning the 11/8/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Danielle Dillard for winning the 11/30/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Clint Firstbrook for winning the 12/2/24 calendar raffle draw.
Congratulations to Mark Tomeucci, Jr. for winning the 1/21/25 calendar raffle draw.